The CTINB Seal: A Useful Tool for Language Professionals
Certified language professionals whom are asked to certify the conformity and accuracy of their translations (official documents, supporting documents, depositions, etc.) can obtain a personalised seal from the CTINB.
Applied to a document to authenticate it or to serve as a personal identification mark, the seal will be instrumental in bringing language professionals visibility and professional recognition. As evidence of credibility to their clients, the seal is an excellent marketing tool. When applying their seal, certified language professionals assert their expertise as recognised by the CTINB. The seal is delivered in trust only to certified members of the CTINB and remains the property of the Corporation of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters of New Brunswick.
The seal is offered in the form of pre-inked stamp. To obtain it the certified member pays a $30 deposit and agrees to return the seal in the event he or she ceases to be a member in good standing of the CTINB. The initial deposit is then refunded. The total cost of the seal is $120. To order your personalised seal, please fill out the order form and email it to
Payment option for seals